Rex has faced challenges in ways most of us can't even begin to imagine. The unfolding of his story is heartbreaking and heart opening: for the difficulties and the triumphs in the face of them. He tells it with humour, humility and courage. By the end everyone wants him to be wildly successful and also feel there is no reason in the world for them not to be too. In a word: inspiring, a word rarely used appropriately.

Eilish Bouchier; Entrepreneur


Rex is fresh, riveting and authentic.  His story telling will leave your audience truly inspired.  We run a bi monthly morning Ted style morning talk series. Introducing exciting people to talk about real topics; courage, personal branding, authentic leadership, creativity and so on. Rex talk on courage was heart felt, eye opening whilst delivered with a witty sense of humour. I look forward to welcoming Rex back in the near future - our guests loved him.

Eamonn Eastwood; CEO Taste Ireland